Online Store Segment

The best loyalty program for your online store to get more visitors to return!

Having an online store for any business presents limitless opportunities. This is because an online store can be accessed by anyone from anywhere across the globe. But how good are you when it comes to retaining visitors? Shopper Loyalty Rewards is here to help you out!

Online stores are a great way to get customers to look at your products and services. The primary rule of any business is to retain customers and establish a loyal and friendly relationship with them. It is a well-established fact that companies focus more on customer acquisition than retention. With Shopper Loyalty Rewards, you can accomplish both-retain your current customers while acquiring new visitors your online store.

Retain online visitors with great offers and purchase rewards.

Create a loyalty points program and award your customer’s every time they make a purchase. Customers accumulate brand currency that, which they can then trade in for products or services, based on limits you set-You control the points and rewards. Shopper Loyalty Rewards can help you to create a unique loyalty program that will surely create a loyal customer base.

Get a detailed analysis of your customers.

Shopper Loyalty Rewards decodes your customer behavior and gives you a good insight on their trends. You will have tools and analytics that will help you with bringing customers back more often, building that special loyalty bond between you and your customer. You will most definitely establish a long-term relationship with loyal customers and your business.

Reach out to all your customers.
Welcome your new customers and make them regular ones with the best suite of marketing tools through Shopper Loyalty Rewards. Promote your online store by launching exclusive deals and promotions. The 360° marketing mechanism can allow you to have a robust interaction with the existing and the new customers with emails, social media, referrals, text messages, rewards, and so on.

Our automated customer loyalty program is active 24×7!

Word of mouth is one of the most powerful and economic means of attracting new consumers. The experience of people shapes their inclination to suggest a store to others. Shopper Loyalty Rewards provides the marketing platform that helps your business, retain more customers, bring new customers and you help your business grow!

Customers can easily sign up just by sending a keyword to code (a 5 digit text number that is created by you).

For example, if your mobile keyword is “STORE” and the code is “88888”. The members will simply text “STORE” to 88888. They will receive an instant text back for confirmation, and it’s done. The simplicity and speed that our loyalty program offers to engage with your shopaholic customers are second to none!

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