

A marketing program that takes the stress of you just like your spa!

Shopper Loyalty Rewards helps you to unleash the potential of your spa, allowing you to effectively reach out to your customers in seconds. With our unique automation and engagement tools, find new customers and retain your old ones!

Client acquisition is definitely a vital part of the success of any business, but a spa should never sideline client retention. Shopper Loyalty Rewards offers superb customization options for your loyalty program, giving you total control of each customer’s perception of your brand. Our omni-channel communications and on-demand real-time reporting and analysis keeps you in the loop at all times.

Send one-time offers to provide a shake-up to the footfalls

Nothing delights a new customer more than when they get a great discount on their repeat visit! With the Shopper Loyalty Rewards tool, you can send special offers/discounts anytime your cafe revenue needs a thrust. We will transmit the offer by text, email, social media and also voice notes, to create a buzz about it among the customers.

Reward your loyal customers more, while making your spa appealing to others

Shopper Loyalty Rewards can help you capture the customer data like never before. When customers reach certain milestones, you can send them automated text messages or email notifications. Our cross-channel interaction enables you to engage the right consumers at the correct time with perks that will drive them back to your spa. For instance, classify patrons based on “once-a-week” and “once-a-month” customers and reward them accordingly. It is a good idea to reward frequent visitors with an extra perk in addition to what they’ will be getting for being a member of your restaurant loyalty program.

Delight regulars with marketing automation

Shopper Loyalty Rewards is armed with features that enable you to treat more guests like regulars. Every time someone returns, our software can display their order history, to help you know exactly what they prefer. Additionally, customers receive a text notification when they earn rewards or points, which keeps them up-to-date and your restaurant at the top of their mind.

What do you get by associating with us?

  1. Higher profit margins within a year,
  2. Increased retention of customers,
  3. Improved brand value with a buzz around your brand, and
  4. Higher degree of customer satisfaction(which will generate a positive word of mouth)

We use the best technology to help you rise above the rest!

Customers can easily sign up just by texting a keyword to a code (a 5 digit text number that is provided by us).
For example, if your mobile keyword is “SPA” and the code is “55555”. The members will simply text “SPA” to 55555. They will receive an instant text back for confirmation, and it’s done. No loyalty program is easier or faster to get you hooked to your customers.
Active members mean long-lasting relationships. Send appointment reminders regularly to have members show up for their spa sessions on time, and send weekly emails to schedule the spa sessions. Also, the masseurs can use our platform to maintain one-to-one communication with the customers. Post frequent updates on Twitter and Facebook with pictures of your spa parlour, new services, and upgraded amenities to tempt new members.

Customers love to be appreciated and loyal customers will result in long-term profits.
If you want to know more, contact us.

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